Thursday, August 2, 2012

Let the Happiness Shine

Happy Words to Brighten Your Day

My Personal Attempt to Lift Both Your Spirits as Well as My Own

Let the happiness shine through!
I am still feeling a bit down after my excruciating day yesterday. I am trying to stay positive, optimistic, and view this weight gain as a good a thing- a step toward health, a better life, and most of all happiness. But at the moment I don't really see any of those things and I thought I could find some happy quotes to get me through my current mood. Maybe you're feeling fine and having a fabulous day or maybe, like me, you could use a bit of cheering. Either way you can never have too much happiness so I hope the quotes I have chosen resonate with you, lift your spirits, or brighten your day!

The first quote I have chosen is meant to inspire optimism. In our darkest moments it's difficult to believe we will ever be happy again. That where this quote comes in-

"Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it." 

 - Jacques PrĂ©vert

It is impossible to believe that we will always feel happy because as PrĂ©vert says sometimes "happiness forgets [us]." But even when we have been forgotten we can't allow ourselves to forget that happiness exists- we have felt it before and we will feel it again. The next two quotes are focus on appreciating what we have rather than searching for what we lack-

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."  

- Frederick Keonig

"What a wonderful life I've had!  I only wish I'd realized it sooner."  

- Colette

Appreciate all you do have in your life!
I love this quote from Colette. We spending so much time wanting, wishing, and hoping. We become envious of what others seems to have and jealous that we haven't been blessed with such luxuries or pleasure. I often scorn G-d for creating me the way I am. Yesterday as I was sobbing in my car after my appointment and screamed in anger at G-d. "Why would you ever give someone this awful disease? I hate myself and my life! Why did you create me this way?" But when I take a step back I can see some of the great things I have been blessed with in my life- a loving family, a keen mind, passion, a few good friends- and it makes me sad to think how much time I have wasted being angry. Lets not look back on our life and regret not recognizing and appreciating the great things in our life. We all have things to be thankful for. We can start right now and focus on the positive things in our life every day. We don't need to waste anymore time underestimating the value and greatness of our lives. The final quote I chose is from an individual who inspires me frequently, Anne Frank- 

“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” 

- Anne Frank
Anne Frank
It stuns and amazes me that even in the midst of such atrocities Anne was able to be thankful and find beauty and happiness in her life. In her short time on earth Anne said some exceptionally insightful words and her wisdom and strength carries me through many of my most difficult days. Knowing the suffering she endured gives me a great deal of perspective about my own suffering and life. If she was able to maintain her faith and happiness during her life than there is no reason why we can't as well. Look around at all the simples pleasures and earthly gifts and allow them to fill you with a sense of pleasure and happiness. I personally am going to take Anne Frank's words to heart and hope you do the same. 

Smile and let the happiness shine through,

This world is full of beauty if we just take a minute to look around and see it!

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